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Results: 170

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Spalling brick refers to the flaking, crumbling, or disintegration of brickwork caused by moisture p...

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Non-gardeners have probably heard of Japanese knotweed, along with other fast-growing pest plants th...

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It’s probably quite timely to talk about rain-management. With many parts of the country recently re...

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Two of the key requirements for buying a home these days are safety and a guarantee of warmth that d...

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The reason why it’s such an important job to check the flashings occasionally is that they may come...

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A fixer-upper really only becomes a money pit when you avoid looking at the potential series of flaw...

So, how do you avoid falling into the cowboy builders' trap? Here is our five-step guide to help you...

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We provide six pointers for considering a survey on the home you are planning to buy.

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If you have found a property that ticks all your boxes, here are five perfect reasons for you to hol...